
Medicare Wellness Visit

An annual benefit of Medicare Part B.

What is a Medicare Wellness Visit? (MWV)

The annual Medicare Wellness visit is a benefit of Medicare Part B and has a special focus on prevention. It is not a physical exam that you typically receive from your provider.  

The MWV is an opportunity to talk to your healthcare team about: 

  • Medical and Family History 
  • Review of care from other providers outside of PHC  
  • Risk for certain diseases 
  • You will be asked about your physical, emotional and mental health, along with your home safety  
  • Plans for staying healthy and well  


Your provider will collect information about your height, weight and blood pressure. Based on your health history and wellness goals, your provider may also:  

  • Refer you for additional health screenings  
  • Recommend immunizations  
  • Discuss changes to keep you well  

Notes About Medicare Wellness Visits

New or Existing Health Problems

Please note that the MWV does not cover services to address new or existing health problems. A separate appointment is required for this and separate charges may apply to these services whether they are done on the same day or another day.  

Advance Directive

We recommend that all patients talk to their loved ones about what matters most to you if you get seriously ill. This is called end-of-life planning and your wishes are documents in an Advance Directive like MyChoices or Five Wishes (available at your appointment).  


  • End of Life Planning means choosing who is going to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to make them for yourself. It also means deciding what kind of treatment you do or do not want to receive in certain situations.  
  • If you have already completed an Advance Directive, please give a copy to your medical provider.  
  • If you do not have an Advance Directive, start talking with your loved ones. We can help you continue this important discussion with a social worker as helpful. PHC social workers can help you every step of the way at no additional cost.  

Schedule Today

Please call our main line at (406) 258-4789 for any questions or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you. 

You may also schedule an appointment using our online scheduling feature by clicking this link 

For more information about what Medicare Part B does and does not cover, please click here.

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