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Patient Portal Help

Questions about the Patient Portal? We are here to help.

PHC Patient Portal

Your care, anywhere.

Communicating with PHC Through the Patient Portal

​The PHC Patient Web Portal allows you to securely access your patient information and communicate directly with PHC. 

With the Web Portal, you can: 

  •   Access your health record
  •   Send messages to your care team
  •   Request prescription refills
  •   Review your statements
  •   Request appointments
  •   View your appointment history and visit summaries
  •   Review your medication lists and labs

​Please note for patients ages 14-17:
The portal will expire in order to protect patient privacy.  Patients are able to complete all the same tasks by calling in and speaking to our front desk, medical records or billing department.

We are unable to accept payments via the Healow app. To pay your bill, please visit the Pay My Bill page by clicking the link below.

Healow Mobile App

The Healow mobile app allows you to do everything you can do in the Patient Portal but from your mobile device.

After downloading the Healow app for iOS or Android, you will be prompted to enter PHC’s Practice Code: CGFGAA.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get signed up for the PHC Patient Web Portal?

If you haven’t signed up with your email before, you can ask a staff member the next time you check-in for an appointment, or give us call at (406) 258-4789 to set up an account.  If you would like additional assistance, need help troubleshooting, or would like to set up a proxy account, please call (406) 258-4399.

Is there a mobile app I can use to access this portal? 
Can I access my child’s health information via the Portal?

If your child is ages 0-13, definitely!  We can set up a Proxy Account for the parent/guardian to have full access.

If your child is ages 14-17, no.  In order to be in compliance with state of Montana law concerning certain medical/mental health records of minor patients, patient portal proxy access will not be provided to adolescents between the ages of 14 – 17. 

In order to support compliance with these laws, proxy access is not available after age 14 until the patient reaches 18 years of age and is able to authorize access.  The adolescent patient may directly enroll in the patient portal. 

When a child reaches age 18, they are considered an adult and can give access to another adult by completing the proxy access process.

Refer to the table below for a visual explanation.

What is "proxy access?"
  • Proxy access allows for a parent, guardian or other designated individual, like a caretaker or durable power of attorney, to connect to the patient’s health information.
  • Important Note:  Once you have obtained proxy access to another patient’s portal information, you may ask questions regarding their health using secure messaging.  The questions you ask become part of the patient’s medical record, so it is important you ask only questions about their health while viewing their information through proxy.  This helps make sure your questions are sent to the correct health care provider.

Patient Portal & Medical Records Access by Age

Partnership Health Center (PHC) Missoula MT Self-Managed Web Portal Access Proxy Web Portal Access Self-Managed Access to Medical Records Proxy Access to Medical Records
Minor Age 0-13
Minor Age 13-17
(if requested by patient)
(some exceptions apply)
Age 18+
(if requested by patient)
(if requested by patient)

Have questions?

Our Patient Portal experts are here to help. Just give us a call at (406) 258-4399.

Minimum Requirements for the Patient Portal

​Minimum required for mobile device:

  • Android 5.0 (API Level 20+)
  • iOS 9.0


Minimum required browser version:

  • Chrome 31.0


Minimum required Java version:

  • OpenJDK 8.0.181


Minimum required operating system version:

  • Windows 10/Windows Server 2016


Minimum Microsoft versions:

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge 12 and higher