
Certified Application Counselors


Insurance Assistance

Our Certified Applications Counselors can help you apply for coverage. We also offer an income based sliding fee scale, a medication assistance program, and other grant-based financial assistance.

Certified Application Counselors (CACs)

Our CACs can help you by phone or meet with you to review your eligibility for Medicaid or a Marketplace application. You do not need to be a Partnership patient to get help from one of our CACs. 

Call to schedule with a CAC! (406) 258-4450


Insurance Resources

CoverMT is a great place to start exploring your options. This site is run by the Montana Primary
​Care Association.

Click here to apply for Montana Medicaid.

Click here to begin a Marketplace application.

Click here for a Glossary of terms commonly used for medical and dental insurance.

How to get ready for your appointment with a CAC

Review and complete a CAC Consent Form. 
Click here to do this online.

Medicaid or Marketplace Account Information 
If you have applied before, make sure to have your previous username and password. If you can’t find it, a CAC will help you.

Email Account
Know your email login information. Don’t have email? We’ll help you set one up.
​Proof of Income
You will need recent pay stubs or tax returns for everyone in your household.

Proof of Identification
For Marketplace applications we’ll need to verify your identity and citizenship.

Social Security Number & Date of Birth
You will need this information for all family members who are applying for coverage. 
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