We are thrilled to share our new logo! It is the result of a collaborative process that began in November, 2019 with input from staff, patients and our volunteer board of directors.
This fresh symbol of our work and values reaffirms our promise to the communities we proudly serve – that excellent, whole-person health care is accessible for all people, regardless of income, insurance status, race, gender, age, housing status or anything else. PHC is a place for those with many resources and those with few. It is a place where people of all ages and all backgrounds are treated with compassion, dignity and respect.
In short (and as we love to say), everyone is welcome at PHC.
In 1989, a group of community partners teamed up to address the unmet medical needs of Missoulians by creating the Partnership for Access Pilot Project. In 1992, that pilot project became Partnership Health Center. As we move forward with our new logo, we recognize that our work today is built on the remarkable efforts of countless staff and volunteers throughout our 30+ year history. From all of us at PHC, we offer our most sincere thanks to those who have made our work possible.
Building on the amazing contributions of staff and volunteers past and present, PHC has grown to become a large, multi-site, vibrant organization of 240 staff serving a diverse group of 16,000 individuals across Missoula and Mineral counties. We are doctors, dentists, psychologists, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, therapists, housing navigators, medical assistants, patient service representatives, patients ourselves – and so much more.
Most importantly, we are your fellow community members, and we are honored to serve you.
Through any challenge our community faces now and in the future, we hope this new logo serves as a reminder that compassionate, patient-centered health care is within reach for all people, always.
A special thanks goes out to Gecko Designs for their outstanding, collaborative work designing this new logo.
Any questions regarding the new logo can be directed to Communications and Development Administrator Eric Halverson at halversone@phc.missoula.mt.us.